Do this! And it will make you smarter!
I can make you smarter in 30 minutes. Not the kind of smart that's acquired through learning something new, like small-engine repair or quadratic equations. I'm talking about improving your brain from the inside out, the kind of smart that leads to faster and more accurate decision making, yields greater productivity, and inspires innovation. If you want to be calculating about it, it's the kind of smart that makes you money. And all you'll need to invest is a half hour, three or four hundred calories, and 80 bucks for a decent pair of running shoes.
For years, aerobic exercise has been touted for its many health benefits; it's no leap to suggest that it can reduce your risk of nearly every known disease. And this is especially true concerning heart health. But the effect of cardio reaches far beyond lipid profiles and blood-pressure readings. In fact, it may do as much for your brain as it does for your ticker; maybe more.[via]
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