World's First Intelligent Shoe

I guess many of you have heard about this. This shoe is the first intelligent shoe! It known as Adidas 1. For those who didn't know about this shoe may thinking what is the special about this shoe?Here i give a short note about this show [taken from gizmag]
The shoe is one of the the most advanced ever made. Its sensor works by measuring the distance to a small magnet at the bottom of the shoe, takes 1,000 readings a second, and is accurate to a tenth of a millimeter. It understands via a small microprocessor capable of making five million calculations per second. And it adapts with a motor-driven cable system that spins at 6,000 rpm, faster than the blades of a helicopter.
This shoe provides "intelligent cushioning" by automatically and continuously adjusting itself. It does so by sensing the cushioning level, using sensors. It then calculates whether the cushioning level is too soft or too firm via a microprocessor and adapts with a motor-driven cable system to provide the correct cushioning for the specific purpose at that time.